Thursday, April 26, 2012

Primary day

Tuesday January 31st was the Florida Republican primary and Ron Paul was competing against Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum for the GOP nomination. I woke up before the sun rose and left my house to place a few last signs.

I then hustled to one of the highest turnout voting locations in Pinellas County at the Sunken Gardens on 4th Street. I spent a long day there greeting people as they came to vote and politely answering questions that anyone had. The day was long but once the polls closed all of us hard working Ron Paul supporters got together at a local Applebee's and watched the votes come in. To our dismay Ron Paul took fourth place in the overall vote count but at the end of the day it was winner take all anyways and Ron Paul did not campaign in the state outside of the two debates.

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